mingmengtou org provides informal gemini protcol site hosting to individuals and organisations.
gemini protocol links
- neil in gemini space: my presence in gemini space. You will need a gemini client to view my gemini habitat, or use a proxy service. my gemini server has a dynamic DNS. if you see a network error check back in a few minutes; it was just the IP changing.
other pages and tools
- seven words, a digit, a symbol, and a one time pad type thing. Passwords, and a strategy, anyone?
- myip. A basic page tool that returns only what this web-server identifies as your ip address, in text, only. I do not store or log the output of myip.
- myipcc. A basic page tool that returns only what this web-server identifies as your ip address, and whois identifies as the ip country code, in text, only. I do not store or log the output of myipcc.